Interfaith Social Services’ food pantry serves about 500 school-age children each month. Every summer we ask our community to team up with us to make sure that each of those children has the supplies needed to start the year off right in September.
We ask for donations of pre-packed backpacks, rather than individual supplies. Two types of backpacks are needed – one for grades K-5 and another for grades 6-12. Backpack distribution will start on Monday, August 3rd. Therefore, all backpacks with supplies will need to be dropped off at our office by Friday, July 31st.
Although it seems as though summer has just begun, Interfaith only has a short time to make sure that we’ll have enough backpacks to help all of the children who will visit our food pantry throughout the month of August when backpacks will be distributed.
ALL backpacks should include: spiral notebooks or composition notebooks, 2 pocket folders, #2 pencils and pink pearl erasers
For the grades K-5 backpacks, we suggest including: washable markers, colored pencils, crayons, glue sticks and safety scissors
For the grades 6-12 backpacks, please include: a calculator, index cards, highlighters, a three ring binder, a flash drive and pens
Please label each bag by grade level to expedite the distribution process. Please make the labels large and easy to read.
If you have questions please contact Karen Ukraine at kukraine@interfaithsocialservices.org or call her at 617-773-6203 x19.
Donated backpacks can be dropped off at our food pantry from 8:30am -4:00pm Monday – Friday and until 7:00pm on Tuesdays.